FUE - follicular unit extraction information and international destinations

The most popular and efficient hair transplant method is called follicular unit extraction (FUE). Individual hair follicles are removed and then replanted to the area where hair is missing.
Local anesthesia is administered during the FUE process. On the side or back of the head, the hair transplant specialist will search for follicular units growing with 1 to 4 hairs. The region will be shaved to properly remove and implant those follicular units. The follicles are individually hand-selected based on how strongly they are growing using a special punch needle. The specialist will make a small incision on the region, retrieve the follicles, and prepare them before inserting them.

You may see some hair falling out after the surgery, but this is typical. Within three to four months, the results can be visible.
Schedule your FUE with board-certified hair transplant specialists for medical tourism!
Save up to 70%
Minimal downtime
Permanent solution
Increases confidence
Natural looking results
Procedure: 4 - 8 hrs.
Hospital stay: -
Cleared to fly: -
After surgery
Out of town patients do not require follow-ups with the hair transplant specialist after the procedure. Patients are clear for flying after 1 day from the FUE procedure.
Note: Consult with your specialist for follow-up or additional care after the procedure upon your return.
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FUE frequent questions

Get answers to our most frequently asked questions and what to expect after the procedure.
Am I a candidate for FUE hair transplant?
Men or women who have strong, healthy hair on the sides or back of the head and are experiencing pattern baldness are candidates for follicular unit extraction, or FUE. In order to determine if you are a good candidate, we suggest setting up a consultation.
How do I prepare for FUE procedure?
Before the procedure, you must avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, taking supplements, and taking anti-inflammatory medications for at least 7 days.
Do I need to follow up special instruction after the FUE procedure?
Yes, the aftercare instructions will be explained by your hair transplant specialist. The most common ones are drinking enough water, avoiding direct sunlight on the scalp, wearing hair accessories, and touching the scalp.
What’s the difference between FUE and FUT?
The method used to extract the follicular units and how long it takes to complete the treatment are the primary differences.
With FUE, each individual follicular unit is extracted by the hair transplant specialist. In follicular unit transplantation (FUT), a strip of the scalp is removed, and the region is stitched up, creating a scar. After that, the transplanted follicular cells are implanted in the bald areas.

Disclaimer: This information does not reflect the medical advice from our clinics. All cases are different and this treatment may not suit you. Always refer to a medical professional with the certification and experience. All of our physicians are fully qualified to perform these procedures. For more information and diagnosis contact one of our top specialized clinics.

In all medical procedures, there are chances of complications, the specialist will provide you detailed information about the risks of the procedure, talk to the specialist directly.