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Testimonials for plastic surgery in Piedras Negras

Reviews for plastic surgery in Piedras Negras

Reyna 24
Patient, Piedras Negras 05/31/2019
bullets Excellent treatment, cleared all my doubts, the doctor was very professional and friendly. My recovery has been very good, without pain and without complications. Super recommend it!!!
Patient, Piedras Negras 01/29/2019
bullets Very good explanation of the treatment, I had fears about my operation and I came out 100% convinced to perform the operation.
Patient, Piedras Negras 01/29/2019
bullets 100% satisfied. The doctor very friendly and responsible. His work excellent, I recommend it.

Before and after for plastic surgery in Piedras Negras

plastic surgery before and after of patients in Piedras Negras
plastic surgery before and after of patients in Piedras Negras
plastic surgery before and after of patients in Piedras Negras
plastic surgery before and after of patients in Piedras Negras
plastic surgery before and after of patients in Piedras Negras
plastic surgery before and after of patients in Piedras Negras

Testimonials for plastic surgery in Piedras Negras