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Ophthalmologic clinic in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: 54 114 903 4582
+54 11 6119 2906
Address: Hidalgo 25, First Floor B, C1405 CABA, Argentina
Business hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:00 hrs. Saturday and Sunday closed
UTC: Argentina Time
Years of experience
15 years
Number of procedures
0ver 10,000 procedures
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
First appointment cost
$20 USD
Technology use
keratoconus treatment
Laser Lasik Technology
IOL Implants (monofocal and multifocal)
Additional services
Parking lot
Credit and debit card
Bilingual services
Wheelchair accessible
Online consultation
No waiting period
Schedule your appointment without any major waiting period at this clinic.
Online consultation cost
Procedures available for online consultation
Consultation for eye surgery
Need to have topography
Platforms for online consultation
Argentina ophthalmologic clinic entrance
Argentina ophthalmologic clinic lobby
Argentina ophthalmologic clinic station