Getting my hips fixed in Monterrey

Kurt Schaefer on September 10, 2021. Visit author social media
"Hello everyone, my name is Kevin S. (hip replacement in Monterrey) and I’m a 60-year-old Boise, Idaho citizen. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hips in 2012 and I had been struggling ever since; sometimes I could even feel the pain increasing every day. I knew I needed surgery, but part of me was afraid of what could happen, not to mention that I didn't have the money for surgery on both hips. Another important factor for my hesitation was that my brother went through his hip replacement a few years back and both the surgery and recovery were very long and painful."
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"I definitely didn't want to take out a mortgage in my 60's and I also didn't want to have my surgery done by the same doctor like my brother, so after years of hesitation, I finally scoured the internet for more information and discovered the website of Medical Tourism Mexico. Intrigued, I read everything on their website and did a search about experiences of medical tourism in Mexico, and every new thing I read and saw convinced me of the idea of traveling to Mexico until it got to a point where I was sure it would be a good idea; if I’m being honest, I wanted the best quality at a low price."
Internationally certified orthopedic surgeon
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"So, I went back to the Medical Tourism website and browsed the orthopedic surgery tab and the specialist in Monterrey piqued my interest. I really liked the information I found about the orthopedic surgeon in Monterrey, not to mention, the pictures of his office looked very nice! The next step I took was to contact the doctor so I could explain my medical condition and all my fears. The doctor answered back fast and best of all, in English. We started talking and he asked me for my medical information and anything else I had on my condition so he could examine it and see if I was a candidate for surgery."
"After I sent him all my information, we scheduled a video chat using Zoom to discuss my options. Talking to the doctor eased my nerves and I was convinced that this was the right path for me to fix my issue, so I freed up my schedule for a few weeks and booked a flight to Monterrey, arriving at a hotel and managing to get to the orthopedist's office for my first face-to-face appointment. I was surprised at how beautiful the city and the clinic were; to be honest, I must say that getting there was pretty hard because walking was not easy for me as it hurt."
Relieving the pain with hip surgery
"At my appointment, the doctor was very professional and patiently answered all my questions. I really felt such confidence in him that I confirmed my surgery for the following days. The surgery was a success and then I was taken to a very nice recovery room, where I spent a few days before the doctor released me. The doctor came into the room and accompanying me, holding my hand he escorted me down the hallway. The hotel service picked me up and took me to my room, where I stayed for five days recovering. Room service and cable TV were all I needed to be comfortable."
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"Pain levels were low by the sixth day, which was when I had my follow-up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon in Monterrey before returning home. I distinctly remember that I had to walk with the help of a walker, but the pain was a lot less than what I had felt before; before the surgery, I really couldn't remember the last time I had felt relieved and pain-free while walking, I was really happy. The doctor took some X-rays and did a complete check-up. I was then all set and clear to fly. Before saying our goodbyes, the orthopedist told me to send him an email or give him a call in case of any discomfort. He also reminded me to visit an orthopedic surgeon as soon as I got home in order to get medication for the remainder of my recovery. It has been 4 months since my surgery; I walk without pain and I’m so happy for it. I want to give thanks to Medical Tourism for providing me great quality medical services at prices I can actually afford without going broke."
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Key words: medical tourism, Mexico, health, travel, orthopedic surgery, orthopedic surgeon, Monterrey, hip replacement
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