Kurt Schaefer on September 21, 2021. Visit author social media
The city of Toluca is home to some of the world’s biggest tech companies and is one of Mexico’s top industrial cities, making it a popular place for business travel. It is for this and many more reasons, that in our Medical Tourism network you will find internationally certified doctors in Toluca, one of them being the best bariatric surgeon, a specialist with experience in mini gastric bypass surgery. So, if you have a business trip planned to Toluca and are considering having weight loss surgery, make the most out of your trip and get mini gastric bypass surgery with a certified surgeon.
Mini gastric bypass surgery
This procedure is just like a traditional gastric bypass surgery, where the stomach is divided into upper and lower pouches and the small intestine is rerouted. This allows for the patient to ingest less food and absorb fewer nutrients, resulting in weight loss. The primary difference between mini gastric bypass surgery and a full gastric bypass is that the mini version is performed in a modified manner that involves less intestinal rerouting and a shorter overall surgery time and recovery; however, the trade-off a mini gastric bypass surgery is that the weight loss will not be as dramatic as it would be with a traditional gastric bypass.
A certified bariatric surgeon
The bariatric surgeon in Toluca has the expertise to guide you and help you determine which gastric bypass solution is the best for your weight loss surgery. So, next time you’re in Toluca, México, make the time and visit a certified bariatric surgeon to help you on your road to weight loss. All of Medical Tourism's surgeons are internationally verified and accredited doctors who offer excellent results with modern equipment facilities, and up-to-date procedures, providing excellent services to all visitors.
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Key words: medical tourism, Mexico, Toluca, weight loss surgery, bariatric surgery, bariatric surgeon, mini gastric bypass, bariatric clinic
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