Part 1. Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears): Causes and treatment with physiotherapy - MedTalk Podcast S5 - EP9 - (Español)

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Learn more about the causes and treatments for tinnitus. This episode is divided into three segments where we talk to different specialists to understand each one's approach.
We start this segment by talking to Mariana Castro physiotherapist with over 10 years of experience, practicing in Mexico City.
In the first part of this episode "Tinnitus: Causes and treatment," we explored how patients approach the clinic and the treatment that physiotherapy can offer for this condition, as well as the protocol for referring them to another specialist.
We also examine the relationship between tinnitus and the temporomandibular joint, as well as the types of manual therapy and electrical stimulation that can help alleviate symptoms.
Don't miss the other segments of this episode where we see how it is diagnosed and treated in the fields of otolaryngology and neurosurgery.
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