Online consultation for cardiology in México City

MX phone: (55) 1384 8239
+52 (55) 1384 8239
Address: Vasco de Quiroga 4001- 602, Santa Fe Cuajimalpa 05348, Ciudad de Mexico Get directions
Business hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday closed
UTC: Central time
Mexico City Cardiology doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 3918959 / 6442020
Online consultation cost
$95 USD
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Spanish - English - French
Years of experience
18 years
Cardiology surgeon specialized in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in adults and children. I offer a complete gamma of procedures on cardiac surgery, as well as minimally invasive procedures, being one of the few surgeons to use the new sutureless heart valves and the TAVI valve.
My multidisciplinary approach and experience has earned me the reputation of being one of the best surgeons in the country in the management of complex cardiovascular diseases. I am a surgeon of excellence who provides humane care to the patient and his family.

International Studies
Fellowship Cardiovascular Surgery. Toulouse, France.
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate
Mexico City Cardiology doctor certificate