Online consultation for cardiology in Monterrey

MX phone: (81) 8499 6470
+52 (81) 8499 6470
Address: Av. Frida Kalo 180, Valle Oriente 66260, San Pedro Garza García, N.L. Get directions
Business hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday and Sunday closed
UTC: Central time
Monterrey Cardiology doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 8035940 / 12025364
Online consultation cost
$100 USD
Platforms for online consultation
Zoom - WhatsApp
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
5 years
Dr. J. Ricardo García De la Peña is a Board certified and expert in Clinical and Interventional Cardiology. He did his Cardiology residency at Centro Medico Nacional de Occidente in Guadalajara, where he graduated top in his class. He then did an intensive fellowship training in Interventional Cardiology at Ramon y Cajal Hospital in Madrid (Spain), where he acquired top skills to perform complex percutaneous procedures. Certified as a national TAVR operator and advanced structural interventions, Dr. Ricardo Garcia is committed to providing state-of-the-art individualized high-quality care to each of his patients. His practice includes one of the most specialized cardiac teams in the country with Board Certified and top in their fields Echocardiographists, Cardiac Surgeons, Electrophysiologists, Cardiac radiologists, Cardiac Anesthesiologists, and highly qualified nurses.

Monterrey Cardiologist certificates
Monterrey Cardiologist certificates
Monterrey Cardiologist certificates
Monterrey Cardiologist certificates
Monterrey Cardiologist certificates
Monterrey Cardiologist certificates