Online consultation for dental services in Ciudad Juárez

US phone: (915) 235 3785
MX phone: +52 (656) 618 3202
+52 (656) 771 9490
Address: Av. Paseo De la Victoria # 4370, Partido Iglesias, 32528 Cd Juárez, Chih. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 02:00 p.m. Sunday closed
UTC: Mountain time
Ciudad Juarez dentist smiling
Mexican medical license: 2162320
Online consultation cost
Free of charge
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
10 years
Dra. Zonia Edith Barrandey Orozco is a dentist who truly cares and takes the time to understand you. Dra. Barrandey is an experienced cosmetic dentist (oral care) who considers every dental detail, along with your personality and life goals, when developing your personalized cosmetic dental plan. The end result is a better smile and a better you.

Ciudad Juarez dentist certificate
Ciudad Juarez dentist certificate
Ciudad Juarez dentist certificate
Ciudad Juarez dentist certificate
Ciudad Juarez dentist certificate