Online consultation for general surgery in Ciudad Juárez

MX phone: (656) 289 1270
+52 (656) 215 5636
Address: Avenida de las Américas 201 Int. 410, Margaritas 32300, Ciudad Juarez, Chih. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 hrs. - 19:00 hrs. Sunday Closed.
UTC: Mountain time
Ciudad Juarez Endoscopist doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 5453995 / 7839334
Online consultation cost
$35 USD
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Years of experience
14 years
I am a surgeon with nearly 15 years of experience, and I am constantly updating my knowledge. I value clear communication with my patients to address their concerns and to understand if I can assist them further. I operate in clean, secure, and well-equipped hospitals to ensure positive outcomes.

Laparoscopic Surgery at Hospital Juárez de México.
Bariatric Surgery at Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI.
Abdominal Trauma Surgery at IMSS.
Ciudad Juarez surgeon certificate
Ciudad Juarez surgeon certificate
Ciudad Juarez surgeon certificate
Ciudad Juarez surgeon certificate
Ciudad Juarez surgeon certificate