Online consultation for general surgery in Monterrey

MX phone: (81) 2879 5676
+52 81 2879 5676
Address: Diaz Ordaz 200, interior 321, Nuevo Periférico Norte Sección, Monterrey, N.L. Get directions
UTC: Central time
Monterrey general surgeon doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 5223474 / 8091344
Online consultation cost
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
I am Dr. Jesús Sida Martínez, a specialist in Gastrointestinal Surgery from UDEM and in Advanced Laparoscopy from UP.

I am Certified and Recertified by the Mexican Council of General Surgery and the American College of Surgeons. I am an active member of multiple National and International Associations; American College of Surgeons, Mexican Association of General Surgery, Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery, Mexican Association of Hernias, College of Surgeons of Nuevo León, Latin American Association of Endoscopic Surgery, Latin American Federation of Surgery, etc.

Monterrey general surgeon doctor certificate
Monterrey general surgeon doctor certificate