Online consultation for gynecology in Querétaro

MX phone: (442) 251 6669
+52 (722) 244 8872
Address: Punta Caiman 102 -7, Punta Juriquilla 76230, Queretaro, Qro. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Saturday: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
UTC: Central time
Queretaro Gynecology Surgeon
Mexican medical license: 9695846 / 10774170
Online consultation cost
$50 USD
Platforms for online consultation
Facebook - Zoom - WhatsApp
Languages we speak
Spanish - English - Italian
Years of experience
9 years
Advanced Maternal Fetal Ultrasound Diploma. Secretary of Health of the State of Querétaro (SESEQ). 2016.
Course in Placental Disease, Restricted Intrauterine Growth and Preeclampsia. Fetal Medicine Foundation. Hospital Clinic Barcelona and Hospital Saint Joan de Deu. Barcelona, Spain, 2016.

Screening Course. First Trimester Prenatal Diagnosis. Fetal Medicine Foundation. Hospital Clinic Barcelona and Hospital Saint Joan de Deu. Barcelona, Spain, 2016.

Morphological Ultrasound Course. Fetal Medicine Foundation. Hospital Clinic Barcelona and Hospital Saint Joan de Deu. Barcelona, Spain, 2016.

Current Course in the Management of Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment. Low Complexity Assisted Reproduction Techniques. Mexican College of Gynecology and Obstetrics A.C. (COMEGO), 2016.

Current Course in the Management of Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment. High Complexity Assisted Reproduction Techniques. Mexican College of Gynecology and Obstetrics A.C. (COMEGO), 2016.
Queretaro Gynecologist Doctor Certificate
Queretaro Gynecologist Doctor Certificate
Queretaro Gynecologist Doctor Certificate