Online consultation for oncology in Chihuahua

MX phone: (614) 196 1310
+52 (614) 196 1310
Address: Perif. de la Juventud 6103, Saucito, 31110 Chihuahua, Chih. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Saturday: 8:00 - 15:00 hrs.
UTC: Central time
Chihuahua Oncology doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 12542719 / 12945305
Online consultation cost
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
Surgeon with a subspecialty in Oncology, certified by the Mexican Council of Oncology, and a Specialist in General Surgery, certified by the Mexican Council of General Surgery.

Chihuahua doctor certificate
Chihuahua doctor certificate