Online consultation for oncology in Guadalajara

MX phone: (33) 3817 5017 EXT. 200
+52 (33) 3167 9220
Address: Av. de las Américas 1946, Lomas del Country, 44610 Guadalajara, Jal. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Friday 16:30 – 19:00 hrs.
UTC: Central time
Guadalajara Oncology doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 4606980 / 8308728
Online consultation cost
$50 USD
Platforms for online consultation
Zoom - WhatsApp
Languages we speak
Spanish - English - Japanese
Years of experience
20 years
I have obtained capabilities and skills in minimally invasive surgery in the most common oncological pathologies, such as colon and gynecological, as well as in the management of gastrointestinal surgery laparoscopically. I have state-of-the-art equipment to diagnose and manage tumor diseases in a timely manner.

Fellow in Gastrointestinal Surgery. Kyoto, Japan.
Endoscopy. Tokyo, Japan.
Endoscopy at the Juan I Menchaca Civil Hospital
Upper gastrointestinal surgery course at the IRCAD Institute. Strasbourg, France.
Guadalajara Urologist doctor certificate
Guadalajara Urologist doctor certificate
Guadalajara Urologist doctor certificate