Online consultation for oncology in Piedras Negras

MX phone: (878) 782 0411
+52 (878) 126 0358
Address: Calle Terán 401, Interior 26, Clinica Mexico, Col. Centro 26000, Piedras Negras, Coah. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Friday: 18:30 hrs.  - 21:00 hrs. Saturday: 13:00 hrs. - 16: 00 hrs. Sunday closed
UTC: Central time
Piedras Negras Oncology Surgeon
Mexican medical license: 3682962 / 6384174
Online consultation cost
Free of charge
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
14 years
Dr. Gerardo Olivares Guajardo is an expert in the detection of breast, colon, ovarian, lung cancer, and more. In his clinic, you will receive complete services performed by experienced doctors, whose mission is to improve the health of each patient.

Piedras Negras Oncologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Oncologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Oncologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Oncologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Oncologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Oncologist doctor certificate