Online consultation for orthopedic surgery in Ciudad Juárez

MX phone: (656) 227 1915
+52 (656) 788 4454
Address: Campos Eliseos 9371, Consultorio 210, Hospital Ángeles, Campos Eliseos 32472 Ciudad Juarez, Chih. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 20:00 hrs. Saturday and Sunday closed
UTC: Mountain time
Ciudad Juarez orthopedist doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 9718629 / 11520326
Online consultation cost
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
3 years
Surgeon with Specialty in Orthopedics and Traumatology, graduated from the National Institute of Rehabilitation in Mexico City (UNAM), with High Specialty in Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy (UNAM), with experience in open and arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder, elbow and knee mainly, as well as general management of fractures.

Observership at the Sports Medicine Department, UIC, Chicago, Il.
Observership at Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL.
Participant at the 20th International Sports Medicine Fellows Conference, Carlsbad, Cal.
Ciudad Juarez orthopedist doctor certificate
Ciudad Juarez orthopedist doctor certificate
Ciudad Juarez orthopedist doctor certificate
Ciudad Juarez orthopedist doctor certificate
Ciudad Juarez orthopedist doctor certificate
Ciudad Juarez orthopedist doctor certificate