US phone: +1 (403) 668 0975
MX phone: +52 (55) 4141 9164
+52 (55) 4141 9164
Address: Av. Xpuhil Sur, Lte. 26, Mza. 2, Supermanzana 19, 77505 Cancún, Q.R.
Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 hrs. - 17:00 hrs.
UTC: Eastern Standard Time
Dr. Priscila Rojas Garcia is a Mexican board-certified plastic and reconstructive Surgeon, member of the Mexican and American Societies of Plastic Surgeons. She received her Bachelor Degree from the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) in 2010.
Completed two fellowships: Oncologic Reconstruction and Breast, Melanoma and Lymphatic Reconstruction at the University of Calgary.