Online consultation for plastic surgery in Mérida

MX phone: (999) 920 7525 ext. 106
+52 (999) 391 9290
Address: Av. 7 #215 A x 32 y 34, Consultorio 106, Torre Médica Pensiones, García Ginerés 97070 Mérida, Yuc. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Friday 09:00 hrs. - 20:00 hrs. Saturday 09:00 hrs. - 14:00 hrs. Sunday closed
UTC: Central time
Merida plastic surgeon smiling
Mexican medical license: 7840574 / 11590256
Online consultation cost
$40 USD
Platforms for online consultation
Facetime - WhatsApp - Zoom
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
15 years
Dr. Anel Briceño Abraham graduated as a surgeon from the Autonomous University of Yucatan. As a preamble to enter the subspecialty of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery, she completed the specialty in General Surgery at the General Hospital of Mexico.
During my training as a plastic surgeon, I had the opportunity to take various national and international courses in facial and body cosmetic surgery, post-bariatric surgery, as well as a Reconstructive Microsurgery Fellowship in the city of London, England.
I have been awarded the Dr. Mario González Ulloa Maximum National Prize for Scientific and Technological Research in Plastic Surgery, for my work as a researcher.
I have extensive experience and vast knowledge of my specialty, always committed to offering an environment of security and trust.

International Studies
- International medical rotation in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery service of the University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. USA, May 2011.
- Rhinoplasty and Facial Plastic Surgery Course by The European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery and the Clarós Clinic. Barcelona Spain, May 2014.
- Instructional Course of PostBariatric Surgery: Face, Breast and Abdomen, at the Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2017, Orlando Florida. February 2019.
- Reconstructive Microsurgery Fellowship, at the St Thomas Hospital (National Heatlh System). London, England, March 2019.
Merida plastic surgeon doctor certificate
Merida plastic surgeon doctor certificate
Merida plastic surgeon doctor certificate
Merida plastic surgeon doctor certificate
Merida plastic surgeon doctor certificate