Online consultation for urology in Piedras Negras

US phone: +1 (830) 213 5393
MX phone: (878) 247 1257
+52 (133) 3139 7203
Address: Calle Teran 401, Interior D, Piedras Negras Centro 26000, Piedras Negras, Coah. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Friday: 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
UTC: Central time
Piedras Negras Urology doctor smiling
Mexican medical license: 4798780 / 10757054
Online consultation cost
$45 USD
Platforms for online consultation
Zoom - WhatsApp - Facebook
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
Years of experience
Over 10 years
Dr. Dariel is a highly trained urologist and pediatric urologist certified by the Mexican Council of Urology in Mexico. He's the only Pediatric urologist in the region and one of the few Pediatric urologists who have received their education in the US, additionally, he is the only Mexican who received the honor of being chosen for a scholarship by the prestigious Cincinnati Children's Hospital in the Department of Pediatric Urology.

He has more than 10 years of experience treating patients of all ages, from the simplest to the most complex cases. With extensive experience in percutaneous surgery and laser surgery, as well as onco-surgery and minimally invasive surgery. In addition to having all the technology of the highest quality to perform the procedures.

Dr. Dariel has training in laparoscopic surgery, which offers the patient a wide benefit since it reduces the risk of open surgery and recovery is faster and more comfortable for the patient.

Certified in Clinical Research from Boston University.
Training in Laparoscopic Surgery.
Member of the American Urological Association.
Piedras Negras Urologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Urologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Urologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Urologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Urologist doctor certificate
Piedras Negras Urologist doctor certificate