US phone: +1 (619) 948 0662
MX phone: (667) 473 7297
+52 (667) 473 7297
Address: Dr. Atl 1, Zona Urbana Rio 22010, Tijuana, B.C.
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Business hours: Appointments from Thursday to Saturday.
UTC: Pacific time
Dr. Iván Aguilar, who specialized in Urology at the Centro Medico de Occidente in Guadalajara, one of the most important urology centers in Mexico. He has made various observerships at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, Cal. under the guidance of Dr. Shlomo Raz and by the world-famous transgender surgeon, Dra. Marci Bowers, who has been named one of ‘America’s Best Physicians’ in 2002 and 2003 and the only physician member of the Washington State Midwifery Board at the Pacific Coast Hospital in San Francisco Cal., for reconstructive female and transgender surgery program.
He was the first Mexican to attend the Center for Urethra and Genital Reconstructive Urology Surgery at Arezzo, Italy. Under the guidance of the World Renown Dr. Guido Barbagli, where he worked shoulder to shoulder with Dr. Kim Jing Hong, dear associate and student of the late Dra. Sava Perovic.
Dr. Aguilar was the first urologist in Mexico to use botulinum toxin for prostate and bladder pathology, pelvic floor diseases and dysfunctions, and incontinence and inventor and holder of the patent for the treatment for premature ejaculation using B.T.