Modern and ancient, Mexico city is your capital for Dental Tourism

Kurt Schaefer on June 04, 2019. Visit author social media
Mexico City is the place where culture, tradition and modernity meet, transforming the city into one of the top destinations for dental tourism in the world. Due to its size and location, the Mexico City has something to offer to everyone; just walking anywhere in town you’ll be able to find something to catch your attention. Here are some of the reasons why Mexico City is your top dental tourism destination! We have 2 locations in this beautiful city one in the Center and one in the south both near extraordinary cultural and gastronomical World Wonders. Home of the Aztecs There are few locations where you can find pyramids and great classical cathedrals, and Mexico City is one of them. Teotihuacan was one of the first great cities in America, with the massive handcrafted Pyramid of the sun as its main attraction; even to this day the Aztec city continues to impress us with its majestic vistas and cultural significance. On the other side of the spectrum we can find the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral, a monumental cathedral that evokes the gothic designs of 16th century Spain. Teotihuacan and the Metropolitan Cathedral represent the two chapters of Mexico’s history and are unmissable destinations for you to enjoy.
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A home for the arts
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There’s a good reason why the UNESCO has declared Mexico City a World Heritage site, history permeates every inch of the city. By just visiting Constitution Square, better known as the Zocalo, you’ll find the National palace, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Governmental Palace and many more locations that will amaze you. And who could forget about the Palace of Fine Arts, boasting an impressive art nouveau style and plenty of marble construction, the museum contains a massive collection of Aztec artifacts, murals and modern sculptures.
A new world
Mexico city isn’t just about celebrating the past, it also embraces the future. The city continues to grow each year, bringing with it a variety of activities and destinations.The Soumaya Museum or Papalote Children’s Museum turn the classic idea of museums into modern and interactive experiences for all ages. Markets are staggered everywhere, like Del Carmen Market or Roma Market, where you can find traditional Mexican food and candies, and their modern counterparts. Everything is within reach of the most modern and confortable hotels you could imagine, so you can experience everything Mexico City has to offer while staying comfortable the whole way through (DT_CDMX_Imagen3) Mexico City will offer you the top quality of dental implants and services with great prices, not only allowing you to work on your dental health, but to experience the full breath of Mexican history. Like all other dentists we work with, Mexico City’s dentists have gone through a rigorous process of verification to make sure all services are provided professionally, cleanly and at fair prices. Due to its size and variety, Mexico City is the only location where we work with two different dentists in order to give you the experience you’re looking for in the city. Mexico City is a big place, with many more locations to visit, let us know if you’ll like to see a part 2 of why Mexico City is your best choice for dental tourism to learn more about them. The adventure of a lifetime is waiting for you, improve your dental health and experience a new country in Mexico City! If you enjoyed this article, help us out by sharing it! We’ll really appreciate it. #Travel #Mexico #VisitMexico #MexicoCity#CDMX #CiudadDeMexico#Teotihuacan #TemploDelSol #PiramidesTeotihuacan #CatedralMetropolitana #CentroHistorico #ZocaloCDMX #PalacioNacional #BellasArtes #Soumaya #PapaloteMuseo #MercadoDelCarmen #MercadoRoma#MexicanDentists #DentalTourism #DentalTourisMex #MedicalTourism
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Key words: Mexico City, Teotihuacan, Pyramids, Catedral Metropolitana, Zocalo, Palacio Nacional, Museo Bellas Artes, Art, Museo Soumaya, Roma Market, Travel, Vacations, Mexico, Dental Tourism Mexico
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