AV Maxillofacial is a Specialized Clinic where you will find the best treatment options
according to your diagnosis by a certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.
Be certain that your questions and doubts will be answered, we will offer you the best and
most actual treatment and the best prognosis, using top of the line instruments, methods and
We also offer certified dentistry and medical specialists who collaborate with our different
Our goal is to gain your confidence and to have the opportunity of giving you the best
solution to your problem.
Mexican medical license:
6545757 / 9555922
Years of experience
11 years
Number of implants placed
Over 1,000 implants
First appointment cost
$30 USD
Languages we speak
Spanish - English - Portuguese
Technology use
Cone Beam
General information
Free parking
Bilingual services
Credit and debit card
Wheelchair accessible
No waiting period
Schedule your appointment without any major waiting period at this clinic.
Always address your concerns and take his time answering your questions. Co
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Erik Daza
If you need some type of maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Alejo is undoubtedly th
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Chesi Cardenas
An excellent service, 100% quality, professional, and a good treatment.