Save money on fallopian tube recanalization (FTR) in Monterrey

Kurt Schaefer on January 28, 2022. Visit author social media
If your insurance does not cover tube reversal or tube recanalization, Medical Tourism Mexico features the top OBGYN in Monterrey, backed by years of experience and the latest equipment and techniques to provide you with a safe and comfortable environment for your procedure. His dedication and expertise as a women's health specialist make him an excellent choice for this type of procedure, providing treatment according to the needs and lifestyle of every patient.
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What goes on in a fallopian tube recanalization?
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Although a tube recanalization procedure takes about half an hour to complete, most of the time is spent getting you comfortable, prepping the skin, and setting up the equipment; the actual time spent in evaluating and unblocking the tubes is usually only a matter of minutes, with you typically being able to leave approximately half an hour after the procedure has been completed. On average, about a quarter of couples will be able to conceive, most in one or two cycles when there is infertility due to tubal blockage.
Traveling for surgery
Monterrey is the third-largest city in Mexico, which allows it to have a solid medical infrastructure and doctors who offer high-quality services. The gynecologist in Monterrey is a top-rated specialist, and in addition to that, he offers excellent prices that can give you savings of up to 88%. So, if you have to pay out of pocket and are looking for the best option at an excellent price, Monterrey is the destination for you. Visit the doctor's profile to learn more about the specialist and procedure.
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Key words: medical tourism, mexico, monterrey, gynecology, gynecologist, womens health, fallopian tube recanalization, tubal recanalization, travel, save money
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