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Obstetrics & Gynecology clinic in Reynosa

MX phone: (899) 547 3141
+52 (899) 547 3141
Address: Perif. Luis Echeverria 904, Del Prado 88560, Reynosa Tamps.
Business hours: Monday - Friday: 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Sunday closed
UTC: Central time
Mexican medical license: 9549164 / 12214416 /13695887
Years of experience
14 years
Number of procedures
Over 1,000 procedures
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
First appointment cost
$50 USD
Technology use
3D and 4D Ultrasound
CO2 Laser (Vaginal rejuvenation and urinary incontinence)
Additional services
Bilingual services
Credit and debit card
No waiting period
Schedule your appointment without any major waiting period at this clinic.
Reynosa Gynecology clinic entrance
Reynosa Gynecology clinic lobby
Reynosa Gynecology clinic station
Bullets The best gynecologist in Reynosa, very attentive and attentive to the patie ... Read more.
Patient, 08/18/2023
Bullets Very good service, with sensitivity and humanity, effective communication, ... Read more.
Aracely Narvaez
Patient, 08/04/2023
Bullets Dr. Arroyo-Nava was fantastic. Knowledgeable, sensitive, informative. I imm ... Read more.
Danelle M. Camero
Patient, 06/11/2023