Body Contouring Surgery In Mexico - MedTalk Podcast S1 - EP16 - (Español)

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Learn about the surgical alternatives available to address skin laxity, as well as why some people may have looser skin than others. In this episode, we chat with Dr. Rubén Agredano, a certified plastic surgeon with a private practice in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Dr. Agredano offers invaluable expertise on the underlying factors contributing to skin laxity, elucidating why some individuals may experience this condition more prominently than others. From aging and genetics to significant weight loss or pregnancy, various factors can influence the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
Most common symptoms of / when to consider surgery:
Excess skin, fat located in various areas of the body
This episode empowers listeners with a deeper understanding of skin laxity and the available treatment options, enabling them to make informed decisions about their cosmetic journey.
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