We have a great commitment to our patients, with a network of doctors, nurses, technicians and highly qualified support personnel who together provide a humane and personalized treatment to have a comprehensive experience. In addition, we have first-class facilities, located in the heart of the city and with access to state-of-the-art technology.
Mexican medical license:
Plastic surgery: 6323936 CMCPER: 1560
Years of experience
13 years
Number of procedures
Over 5,000 procedures
Languages we speak
Spanish - English - French - Japanese
First appointment cost
$100 USD
Technology use
Venus Legacy
Radio frequency
Edge One Fractional Co2 Laser
Additional services
Bilingual services
Credit and debit card
Walk-ins welcome
Wheelchair accessible
Online consultation
International transfers by PayPal
U.S. Insurance (Reconstructive procedures)*
Mexican Insurance (Reconstructive procedures)*
*Depends on coverage and authorization by the insurance company.
No waiting period
Schedule your appointment without any major waiting period at this clinic.
Online consultation cost
$50 USD
Procedures available for online consultation
All procedures can be consulted virtually, but it requires ratification of the surgical plan in a face-to-face consultation in the days prior to surgery.
Platforms for online consultation
I want to express my gratitude derived from the attention, care, and follow
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Cecilia García
I want to thank you infinitely for the nose job you performed on me, the is
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Mauricio Trejo Islas
I had not had the opportunity to thank you for all your care and profession
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