Online consultation for dental services in Piedras Negras

MX phone: (878) 688 0757
+52 (878) 782 0576
Address: Anahuac 703, Col. Centro, 26000 Piedras Negras, Coah. Get directions
Business hours: Monday - Friday 09:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m. Saturday 09:00 a.m. - 02:00 p.m. Sunday closed
UTC: Central time
Piedras Negras dentist smiling
Mexican medical license: 6545757 / 9555922
Online consultation cost
Platforms for online consultation
Languages we speak
Spanish - English - Portuguese
Years of experience
11 years
Dr. Alejo Villarreal is a recognized Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon located in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico, a city border with Eagle Pass Texas.
He performed his studies as Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) at the “Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon” Faculty of Dentistry and his specialty in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) at the same university and faculty. His specialties medical practice regarding trauma, reconstructive, pathology, TMJ and facial deformity surgery was at the Metropolitan Hospital in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. The Maxillofacial Surgery complex from the Faculty of Dentistry was home for specialized training in oral and implantology top class surgery.
Dr. Alejo has international training as well, attending for general Maxillofacial Surgery at the Military Hospital of Santiago Chile. He also learned and trained for Microvascular Surgery at Hospital Gregorio Marañon in Madrid, Spain. As reinforcement for his specialty, he trained with different techniques for TMJ, Implantology and Orthognathic Surgery at the Hospital Santa Paula and many other clinics and hospital at Sao Pablo, Brazil. All these studies make Doctor Alejo Villarreal an expert in oral surgery, dental implants, maxillofacial pathology, facial trauma, orthognathic surgery, and facial aesthetics.

International Dental Studies
Orthognathic Surgery: Anterior Segmental Osteotomy. Santiago, Chile, 2011
20th International Conference On Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery. Iaoms. Santiago, Chile, 2011
94th Annual Meeting Scientific Sessions. Aaoms. San Diego, California, 2012
21st International Conference On Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery. Iaoms. Barcelona, España, 2013
Bucomaxilofacial Surgery, Hospital Santa Paula. Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2014 98th A
Piedras Negras dentist certificate
Piedras Negras dentist certificate