Medical tourism services for fertility treatments in Tijuana
Why fertility treatments in Tijuana
Just across from San Ysidro International Bridge is Tijuana, a city where you can experience a youthful atmosphere, unmatched gastronomy, and vibrant nightlife. Schedule your fertility treatment with the best clinic in the city and have the best experience at affordable prices.
See how to make the best of your visit with our specialized services for medical tourism in Tijuana.
Technology used for fertility treatments in Tijuana
Assisted hatching
Intracitoplasmatic injection
Artificial insemination IUI
In vitro fertilization
Preimplantational genetic diagnosis
Tijuana attractions and recommendations
Tijuana Cultural Center Avenida Revolución Playas Tijuana Plaza Río Tijuana
Clinic address and map
José María Velazco 2524, Suit 101, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, B.C.