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Neurosurgery procedures in Cancún

Neurosurgery in
Neurosurgery is the medical field that diagnoses and performs minimally invasive as well as complex surgeries on the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, helping to eliminate or manage the pain of conditions like migraines, strokes, tumors, numbness, and back pain. Get more information about the most popular procedures in Cancun.
The neurosurgeon in Cancun has the qualifications and skills to help patients alleviate the pain and conditions that affect their day-to-day activities. Patients can expect professional attention and affordable prices on neurosurgery.

Additional neurosurgery procedures in Cancún

Brain aneurysm repair
A brain aneurysm is a bulge in the blood vessels of the brain. The repair consists of inserting a metal clip that will prevent a rupture and bleeding into the brain.
Chronic subdural hematoma
A chronic subdural hematoma is a collection of blood between the brain and the dura. Surgery involves drilling small holes on the skull to facilitate the drainage of blood and relieve pressure.
Lumbar puncture
Lumbar puncture or spinal tap is a procedure in which a small sample of the cerebrospinal fluid is taken to diagnose disorders of the central nervous system like epilepsy, meningitis, or multiple sclerosis.
Vertebral augmentation
Vertebral augmentation is a series of minimally invasive procedures that help stabilize the spine after vertebral compression fractures. The most common procedures are vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.