Address: Torre Medica San Javier, José María Heredia 2960, Piso 5, Neurosuite 526, Col. Prados Providencia 44670, Guadalajara, Jal.
Business hours: Monday - Friday: 16:00 hrs. - 18:30 hrs.
Saturday and Sunday closed
UTC: Central time
Caring for the patient and their family is a privilege, I am fully aware that “brain surgery” can be overwhelming and frightening, so my commitment is to strive to make this a pleasant and positive experience by creating a calm environment. and relaxing.
Mexican medical license:
7472008 / 12114242
Years of experience
10 years
Number of procedures
Over 1,000 surgeries
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
First appointment cost
$75 USD
Technology use
Zeiss microscope
Hybrid neurosurgery
Gamma Knife Perfexion radiosurgery unit
ELEKTA synergy accelerator PET-CT Ingenuity TF
Endoscopic and minimally invasive neurosurgery
Additional services
Credit and debit card
Bilingual services
Wheelchair accessible
Mexican insurance
International insurance
No waiting period
Schedule your appointment without any major waiting period at this clinic.
Online consultation cost
Procedures available for online consultation
Platforms for online consultation
Excellent doctor, a very human person and dedicated to his work who tries t
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Rafael Martinez
Excellent service, very professional. It explains very well step by step wh
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Adelaido Sandoval
Excellent neurosurgeon, attentive, humane and responsible, he accompanies y
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