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Certified surgical oncologist in Hermosillo

Dr. Mario Enrique Alvarez Bojórquez

Hermosillo Oncology doctor smiling

Dr. Mario Enrique Álvarez Bojórquez began his medical career at the University of Sonora (UNISON). Then, he did two specialties, one in General Surgery at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS) in 2017 and the subspecialty in Oncological Surgery at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2019 and the National Cancer Institute. In addition, in 2020 he finished the High Specialty Course in Thoracic Oncology, at the National Institute of Cancerology.

Medical associations
Mexican Society of Oncology
Mexican Association of General Surgery
College of Surgeons of Sonora A.C.
Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
Society of Surgical Oncology

Hermosillo Urologist doctor certificate
Hermosillo Urologist doctor certificate
Hermosillo Urologist doctor certificate
Hermosillo Urologist doctor certificate
Hermosillo Urologist doctor certificate
Hermosillo Urologist doctor certificate
Hermosillo Urologist doctor certificate
Bullets As a doctor an eminence, as a human being, worthy of all trust and admirati ... Read more.
Blanca Julia Ojeda Contreras
Patient, 03/13/2021
Bullets Without a doubt, we cannot be in better hands. Excellent doctor, widely rec ... Read more.
Maria Isabel Zamora
Patient, 12/09/2020
Bullets Excellent doctor, person, human being, 100% recommended, very attentive and ... Read more.
Paulo Palomec
Patient, 08/13/2020