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Oncology procedures in Piedras Negras

Oncology procedures in
                                    Piedras Negras
Oncology is the specialty that diagnoses and treats cancer. Surgical oncology specializes in the surgical management of cancer by removing the tumor and nearby tissue that can be altered by the disease. See the most popular procedures offered by the oncology surgeon in Piedras Negras.
Get professional attention and affordable prices on oncology procedures with a certified oncology surgeon in Piedras Negras. Be confident in the experience of this top surgeon.

Additional oncology procedures in Piedras Negras

Medical oncology
Medical oncology focuses on treating cancer patients with chemotherapy, hormones, biological therapy, or targeted therapy.
Radiation oncology
The radiation oncologist specializes in treating cancer with radiation therapy to shrink or destroy cancer cells or to ease cancer-related symptoms.
Note: Prices shown may vary according to the patient’s specific needs, treatment, and materials. Get an estimate directly from the clinic. All prices are expressed in USD and may be changed at any time with no prior notice. Prices are not final representations and are approximate to give patients a general idea of the costs.