Ophthalmology specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that affect the eyes and vision. Having regular check-ups is the best way to prevent diseases and avoid eye deterioration and promptly start any treatment. Get more information about the most popular procedures in Hermosillo.
Get your annual check-up with the best ophthalmology clinic in Hermosillo and get the most innovative and reliable techniques to help you improve your vision and quality of life.
Additional ophthalmology procedures in Hermosillo
Strabismus surgery
Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes look in a different direction due to a misalignment. The surgery consists of adjusting or cutting the muscles responsible for eye movement.
Note: Prices shown may vary according to the patient’s specific needs, treatment, and materials. Get an estimate directly from the clinic. All prices are expressed in USD and may be changed at any time with no prior notice. Prices are not final representations and are approximate to give patients a general idea of the costs.