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Ophthalmology procedures in San Luis Potosí

Eye doctor in San Luis Potosí
Laser eye surgery is the best method to help correct vision and eliminate the use of glasses. This surgery is one of the most common ophthalmologic procedures and the results can improve eye health as well as the quality of life.
The ophthalmologist in San Luis Potosi specializes in offering high-quality service and care. The eye surgeon works with the latest techniques to help patients improve their vision.
Strabismus surgery
Strabismus is a misalignment in which the eyes look in different directions. Surgery consists of trimming, repositioning, and strengthening the muscles responsible for eye movement.
Note: Prices shown may vary according to the patient’s specific needs, treatment, and materials. Get an estimate directly from the clinic. All prices are expressed in USD and may be changed at any time with no prior notice. Prices are not final representations and are approximate to give patients a general idea of the costs.