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Certified urologist in San Luis Potosí

Dr. Enrique de Jesús Cerda Guerrero

San Luis  Urology doctor smiling

Attending Physician in the Urology Department at Dr. I. Morones Prieto Central Hospital (2021 - present)

Member of the Colegio Potosino de Urólogos

Advanced Specialty in Advanced Laparoscopy in Uro-Oncology, State Cancer Center, Chihuahua, Chihuahua (2020-2021) Advanced Urology Chihuahua

Certified by the Mexican National Council of Urology

Urology Residency / Hospital General de Occidente (2016-2020) / University of Guadalajara

General Surgery Residency / Dr. I. Morones Prieto Central Hospital (2014-2016) / UASLP

Medical Surgeon / Faculty of Medicine, UASLP (2012)

Professor of the Urology Course at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Cuauhtémoc San Luis Potosí

San Luis  Urologist doctor certificate
San Luis  Urologist doctor certificate
San Luis  Urologist doctor certificate