Nogales General Surgery clinic entrance

General surgery in Nogales

MX phone: 631 100 5771
+52 (631) 100 5771
Address: Calle Latinos 123 B, Col. Fundo Legal, Nogales, Son.
UTC: Pacific time
I am here to provide you with comprehensive and humanized care for any of your conditions.
Mexican medical license: 10769269 / 13426933
Years of experience
Number of procedures
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
First appointment cost
Technology use
Minimally invasive surgery
Additional services
Credit and debit card
Bilingual services
Wheelchair accessible
Mexican insurance
No waiting period
Schedule your appointment without any major waiting period at this clinic.
Online consultation cost
Procedures available for online consultation
Platforms for online consultation
Nogales General Surgery clinic entrance
Nogales General Surgery clinic lobby