Medical tourism services for orthopedic surgery in Tijuana
Why orthopedic surgery in Tijuana
Tijuana is the most crossed border in the world, making it one of the most important border cities in Mexico. The city is best known for its extensive gastronomy conformed by a blend of Mexican, Mediterranean, and Asian influences. The orthopedic surgeon in Tijuana offers high-quality services and professional attention so patients can have a pleasant experience.
See how to make the best of your visit with our specialized services for medical tourism in Tijuana.
Technology used for orthopedic surgery in Tijuana
Tijuana attractions and recommendations
Tijuana Cultural Center Avenida Revolución Playas Tijuana Plaza Río Tijuana
Clinic address and map
Diego Rivera 2351, Int. 304, 3er. Piso, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana 22010, Tijuana, B.C.