Am I a candidate for glaucoma surgery?
Candidates for surgery are patients who have experienced severe glaucoma on one or both eyes, whom other forms of non-surgical treatment have proven ineffective. We recommend you to refer to one of our professional doctors for an evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for surgery.
Which procedure do I need?
Depending on where the pressure produced by glaucoma is affecting your eye will determinate what kind of procedure you need. Some procedures might be done after other forms of surgery have been ineffective. We recommend you to refer to one of our professional doctors to better understand what are your needs.
How can I prepare for surgery?
The doctor will usually ask you to continue any other form of treatment up until the morning of the surgery and will evaluate your eye to determine were the points of pressure originate.
Will I feel pain during surgery?
Your doctor will place drops on your eyes to numb them, during surgery will only feel some pressure on the eye. Some patients may ask the surgeon to use general anesthesia. We recommend you to refer to one of our professional doctors to see what is better for your body.
What happens after surgery?
Immediately after the procedure, you could experience some itch witch a burning sensation, and your eyes will be watery. At first, your vision will be blurry for the first weeks after surgery, and you will gradually start seeing more clearly.