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Urology clinic in Monterrey

MX phone: (81) 2629 2903
+52 (81) 2629 2903
Address: Ecuador 2331, Balcones de Galerías, 64620 Monterrey, N.L.
Business hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
UTC: Central time
Mexican medical license: 6943931 / 10599116
Years of experience
6 years
Number of procedures
Over 1,000 procedures
Languages we speak
Spanish - English
First appointment cost
$55 USD
Technology use
Additional services
Wheelchair accessible
Bilingual services
No waiting period
Schedule your appointment without any major waiting period at this clinic.
Online consultation cost
Procedures available for online consultation
Platforms for online consultation
Monterrey Urology clinic entrance
Bullets Lo recomiendo mucho, me sentí muy cómoda en la consulta y su explicación ... Read more.
Maria Alejandra Rodríguez
Patient, 02/29/2024
Bullets Me ha dado la mejor atención siempre desde el día 1 en tratamientos, reco ... Read more.
Katy Hernández
Patient, 04/01/2021