When is the best time to have a tubal ligation?
This surgery can be performed at any point in time, as long as the patient is a legal adult. Some women choose to have the surgery immediately after vaginal birth, or during a C-section, in these cases, the patients have to disclose that they wish a tubal ligation with their doctor.
Will I still get my period?
If you still had your period before the surgery you will continue to have it after it. Some women will find that they have fewer days of bleeding during each menstrual cycle.
Do tubal ligation are effective against STDs?
No, a tubal ligation won’t protect you against STDs. A condom is the best method to reduce the chances of getting and spreading STDs.
Tubal ligation can be reversed?
Tubal ligation is considered a permanent solution. In some cases, patients are eligible for a tubal ligation reversal; however, if a long time has passed between the original surgery and the reversal, the doctor might not be able to reconnect successfully the tubes.
How effective is the surgery?
In tubal ligation, the effectiveness is more than 99%.
In tubal ligation reversal, the success rate ranges from 75% to 80%, bases on how long ago you had a tubal ligation, age, and partner fertility.