Am I a candidate for blepharoplasty?
Candidates for surgery usually have sight-related conditions that originate from problems with their eyelids, but some patients have them for cosmetic purposes. We recommend you to refer to one of our professional doctors for an evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for surgery.
Is this procedure painful?
During the procedure, you won’t feel any pain, however for an hour after surgery you could experience a burning sensation around the eyelids.
How long will recovery take?
Recovery is short and mild, most patients can return to work after a week, and most swelling is gone after 2 weeks. You will need to see your doctor to remove the stiches, he will inform you when.
For how long will the results last?
Results are generally permanent, however as you age the skin could start to sag again. Some patients may choose to have the procedure a second time.