Hermosillo medical tourism guide and specialists

Hermosillo is located in the state of Sonora; this region charms visitors with its ancient history, traditional architecture, unique biodiversity, and beautiful beaches.
Local weather: 34.72 °C
The downtown and Plaza Zaragoza reflect the past and the present of the city by combining its history, architecture, and urban style. In both places, you can find shops, local festivities, street food vendors, restaurants, bars, markets, as well as historical buildings.

The sunsets are characteristic of Hermosillo, they have given it the name of The City of the Sun, for its beautiful purple, orange, blue, and yellow colors, which are a natural spectacle that you cannot miss. One of the best places to see this spectacle, as well as a panoramic view of the city is from the Cerro de la Campana, you can reach the hilltop by driving or walking, although most people agree that walking is more enjoyable.

Although Hermosillo is not a coastal community and is located in the Sonoran Desert, you will be surprised to find out that just a few hours away are the beautiful beaches of Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point), San Carlos, Kino Bay, and Huatabampo.

You can pay with US dollars, Credit/Debit cards on most restaurants and establishments. If you pay with cash the exchange rate will be lower, it’s better to visit a foreign exchange agency, a bank or an ATM to turn your currency into Mexican pesos.
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Take a look at our medical tourism travel essentials.
Top medical specialists in Hermosillo
Bariatric surgery
Fertility clinic
Plastic surgery

Hermosillo general information

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*Main tourist attractions points and our suggested places.

Information about Embassies, Consulates or Consular Agencies for U.S. and Canadian citizens.
In case of emergency, lost passport or general assistance to citizens traveling in Mexico please contact the proper embassy or consulate.
U.S. Consulate in Hermosillo
141 Monterey Street Col. Esqueda, C.P. 83000 Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
Assistance to U.S. citizen
From Mexico:
Tel: 662-690-3262
From the United States:
Tel: 1-844-528-6611
Consular Agency of Canada in Tijuana
Germán Gedovius 10411-101 Condominio del Parque Zona Río 22320 Tijuana, Baja California Norte
Assistance to Canadian citizen
From Mexico:
Tel: 664-684-0461
From Canada:
Tel: 011-52-664-684-0461
Safety tips
Hermosillo is one of the safest cities in Mexico, although we recommend taking the same normal precautions you would usually take when traveling to a new city.
Arriving by air
Hermosillo International Airport, also known as General Ignacio L. Pesqueira International Airport, handles domestic and international flights. The airport offers car rental service and ground transportation, where costs can range from $10 to $30 USD depending on the zone and type of vehicle (car or van).
Common flights to Hermosillo. (Approx.)
Phoenix – 1:23 hrs.
Dallas – 2:39 hrs.
Mexico City – 2:47 hrs.
Monterrey – 2:05 hrs.
Tijuana – 1:25 hrs.
How to move around the city
Public and private transportation is very affordable and it will take you to most places. Due to the size of the city, traffic can be a little bit crowded so we recommend taking a taxi or an uber.
Where to stay?
Hermosillo has many hotels and motels with prices ranging from $80 - $120 USD per night.
Ad locations Hermosillo services medical tourism
What to do?
Hermosillo attractions
The Assumption Cathedral
Plaza Candelaria
Cerro de la Campana
Places you can drive from Hermosillo (Approx.)
Bahía de Kino – 67.1 miles
San Carlos – 85.3 miles
Magdalena de Kino – 117 miles
Huatabampo – 215 miles
Álamos – 232 miles
Puerto Peñasco – 283 miles
To visit these places, you can book a tour or rent a car. Remember to check with your American car insurance or your rental car company if you are covered.
General information
If you are looking for more information about destinations, events, concerts or the many activities in the city
Medical Tourism in Hermosillo
Medical Tourism in Hermosillo
Medical Tourism in Hermosillo
Events for medical tourism in Hermosillo
Festival del Chef Sonora
Food festival
Date: April
Venue: Varies per event
Events for medical tourism in Hermosillo
Fiestas del Pitic
Cultural festival
Date: May
Venue: Varies per event
For more information about the events, please check their official website or social media.
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